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  • Writer's pictureSOS My Space

Why, despite being in a relationship, do I feel so alone? something must be missing...but what?

We all know that being in a relationship is not easy, and it requires a lot of work, patience, and love. But what is the secret, if any, to a happy one? Well, I have some tips for you!

Friendship: a happy couple should have mutual respect, enjoy each other's company, and have fondness and admiration for one another. This means that you should be each other's best friend, always there to support and encourage one another.

Emotional intelligence: this means that you should be able to work together to prevent negative thoughts and feelings from overwhelming the positive ones. You should be able to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts in a healthy way.

Shared meaning: is essential supporting each other's dreams and goals, and create common goals that you both enjoy doing together. You should also have rituals and symbols that have shared meaning in your relationship.

Do you comply with these precepts? Because they are the foundations on which to build the pillars. Without them there is no solidity to sustain any relationship.

To create shared meaning in your relationship you can focus on these four pillars:

  • Rituals are important because they create beautiful meaning and the opportunity to connect in truly trusted time and space. You can create rituals that are unique to your relationship, such as date nights or weekend getaways.

  • Roles are also important because they give each partner a unique and special role that they feel comfortable embodying. You can ask each other what roles you want to fill, such as emotional support or problem solver.

  • Common goals are essential because they create a sense of unity and purpose in your relationship. You can create goals that you both enjoy doing together, such as traveling or learning a new hobby.

  • Finally, symbols are important because they have shared meaning in your relationship. They can be something tangible, such as a family portrait or a piece of jewelry that represents your commitment to one another.

In conclusion, a happy relationship requires work and effort from both partners. By focusing on friendship, emotional intelligence, and shared meaning, you can create a strong and meaningful relationship that will stand the test of time.

So go ahead and try out some of these tips – you and your partner are worth it!

And remember that if you're struggling to find balance and meaning in your relationship, I'm here to help! Sometimes we all need a little extra support to make our partner happy. Don't hesitate to reach out and let's work together to create a happier, more fulfilling relationship.

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