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Are you tired of feeling sluggish and unproductive during the day?

So take some time to learn about your body's circadian rhythms and how you can support them.

Circadian rhythms are essential for regulating critical bodily functions such as hormone release, digestion, and sleep.

When they get out of sync, they can cause various health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and depression.

Here are some tips for using your circadian rhythms to your advantage:

Determine your natural sleep-wake cycle and try to stick to a consistent sleep schedule.

(02:00) Deepest Sleep

  • Glucose metabolism in the brain increases, supporting memory and learning

  • Pituitary gland secretes hormones for growth and development

  • Benefits include energy restoration, cell regeneration, and immune system strengthening

(04:00) Lowest Body Temperature

  • Tips to reduce temperature in your bedroom

  • Exercise and warm bath before bed for better sleep

(05:00-06:45) Sharpest Blood Pressure Rise

  • Hormones released give boosts of energy but can raise blood pressure

  • Protection against morning hypertension with healthy habits

(06:00-07:30) Melatonin Secretion Stops

  • No blue light before this time for easy awakening

  • Schedule important tasks during your peak productivity hours, which are usually in the morning for most people.

(10:00) Highest Alertness

  • Personal body clocks affect ultradian rhythms.

  • Best for linear thinking or problem-solving.

Take breaks and move around during periods of low energy, which typically occur in the mid-afternoon.

(14:30) Best Coordination

  • Physical tasks and teamwork are ideal.

  • Time for connection and insights regarding feelings.

(17:00) Greatest Cardiovascular Efficiency and Muscle Strength

  • Physical activities for optimal health

  • Let your head brain rest.

(18:30-19:30) Highest Blood Pressure and Body Temperature

  • No more eating and slow down on blue light exposure

  • Breathing exercises for anxiety relief

Avoid bright screens and stimulating activities before bedtime to promote better sleep quality.

(21:00)Melatonin Secretion Peaks

  • Role in reproductive system, behavior, and physical growth.

  • Developed from age 2 months.

By aligning your work schedule with your circadian rhythms, you can improve your focus, energy levels, and overall performance.
Give it a try and see how it works for you!
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