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About Me
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Passionate About
Inspiring Others

During my life journey I have been involved in different professional, personal and community roles.

From business owner in the design industry in Johannesburg and later in Cape Town to employee for United Airlines in Argentina, 

giving me the opportunity to fly around the world and learn much about other cultures. Throughout the years of travelling I realised how much alike and different we all are.

As a family we moved countries 3 times finding it quite an experience to re-establish and re-invent life each time with all the challenges that implies. As a result of my life experience I realised that in order to be successful in all areas of my life I was to constantly keep evolving and changing. As Heraclitus once said “Life is a flux.

During 2015 I decided to do something completely out of my comfort zone and embarked on a 750km walking pilgrimage in Spain, the Walk to Santiago de Compostela, my husband decided to accompany me…what an amazing journey for our marriage!

This was a life changing experience, walking for 30 days with just 7kg of precious belongings on my back, not knowing what the day will bring, only trusting the way.

I could not stop looking for answers and in 2016 my husband and I walked 700km in Italy, the Francigena walk to Rome.

The reflections over hours of solitude about the simplicity of life, the beauty of creation, how little we need to be happy and fulfilled and the camaraderie with other fellow pilgrims was so profound that created in me the need to find more about myself and the meaning of life.

After a lot of introspection, I realized that designing beautiful homes was great but helping people to design beautiful lives was better and coaching was the answer.

As your Coach I will listen, observe and customize an individual approach to your needs, I will help you provoke solutions and strategies, learn to manage your thoughts and feelings, be creative and resourceful, to finally find body, mind and soul balance. To be healthy, content and whole.

Most of the things that we think as our limits are actually delusions. We are confined only by the walls we build ourselves. Getting out of our comfort zones can be so damn hard, but we might be surprised by how things would work out in the end. Don’t set your limit, throw yourself in it!”


Richard Bach from Jonathan Livingston Seagull

  • Certified Life Coach

  • Results Coaching Systems

  • Neuroleadership Institute 

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