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  • Writer's pictureSOS My Space

Why cleaning and decluttering the mind is the answer?

Because chaos is not… making space for the light to shine inside your mind, visualize your life from a different perspective, and be ready to let go….is

Let me tell you a little about my Camino to Santiago experience, walking 780 km in 28 days was a challenge for my body…especially my soft Argentinean feet…but mostly for my stuck in comfort mind. I had to let go of lots of limitations impose to myself by myself, Oh yes!!! we can blame parents, siblings or however, but the reality is nobody to blame, but us.

How will I ever make it without my precious creams, makeup and most of all…hair dryer, oh my goshhhh really???

Surely I can carry a little more of this and of that, so the verdict was made… "precious" comes with me…well not the hair dryer 😢

A week into the trip things become real, and with reality came blisters and backache, so a decision needed to be made, lighter backpack was the answer and you know what? it was not difficult to let go, because I learned that life is to be enjoyed with what we have and not with what we need to acquire, the correct weight of the backpack, not too light, not to heavy, allowed me to feel grounded, walking straight and with balance.

Of course, we all need to carry things in life but let’s make sure they are the RIGHT THINGS!

If going around in your mind with the same old thoughts gives you no joy, it’s time to start getting proactive, move things around, see what is useful and what is not, polish your opinions and see if they reflect the person you really are and want to be, purify the four corners of your mind, move away from negativity and welcome positive intentions which after active new habit actions you will discover yourself feeling comfortable in your own skin.


Let me be your Coach

It is like calling that good old friend who opens the windows allowing the sun to come in, asking the right questions, gently helping you to make connections to acknowledge what is good to keep and what is not and then finally you are ready to make changes creating space for new experiences and a fresh approach to life.

SOS – My Space – Coaching and Beyond

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