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  • Writer's pictureSOS My Space

'Whether you think you can, or you think you can''re right"- Are you your worst enemy?

Luck of confidence and fear of failure can stop you from exercising life and making valuable experiences to learn who you are and what you are made off, we all carry preconditions imposed by others and by ourselves convincing that we can predict a doom future without even trying. It does not need to be like that.

The future may seem like looking through a distorted glass

To find your confidence you need to loosen up, make space and stretch, breath deep and slow, make time for introspection, learn about your strengths, your essence, your gifts and once you acquire all that deep knowledge of yourself make a loud statement to be heard by whoever is around.

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your concern.

I learnt a lot of this in my last commitment. I wanted to increase my basic knowledge of French so I embarked on a 2 month trip to the South of France to work in a hostel on the St James Camino... WOW!!! what a journey, having to serve people... French people... understand and to be understood. It was a great humbling experience, I realised how little French I knew, but also how much the little I knew helped me to improve daily. I had to exercise in-depth listening, patience and courage to keep my self-esteem intact.

"Failure is not having the courage to live life to the fullest and courage is doing what we are afraid to do and do it anyway because there is not courage unless we are scared"

I am convinced that in order to be successful it does not mean one has to be perfect but rather to have the courage to learn at each step of the way by creating our own unique road map we call our life.


Let me be your Coach

With the help of a coach you will be able to look deep into yourself to find the real you, unlearn acquired behaviours that conditions the way you tackle life, know your strength, practice adaptability and resilience, creating new habits of self-validation and be the person you are meant to be and embrace the infinite possibilities life has to offer

SOS – My Space – Coaching and Beyond

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