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  • Writer's pictureSOS My Space

Stagnation + Procrastination = Regret - formula for disaster

When you think you have all the time to achieve your dreams but keep on finding excuses to stay in limbo zone the danger is you might become a zombie

We all go through times of excuses of why not now, why…why…why, but time, age and health waits for no one, so the perfect moment to do what you wish to do is NOW!

When I embarked to do my long pilgrimage through Spain later Italy and the year later Netherlands, I did not know what to expect however I learned that the most important is the first step BUT AS MUCH WHERE THE ONES THAT FOLLOWED till I arrived at my destination, making my dream a reality and an experience for life never to be regretted.

Did I make mistakes? Yes…Did I get lost on the way? Yes…Do I regret them? No… because those are the things that I remember the most the ones that left a mark never to be forgotten, they taught me to be tough, resilient finding ways to do things differently until I got it right and let me tell you something....they all serve as great topic of conversations and laughter.

The fear to the unknown and failure could have stopped me from these life changing experiences, nevertheless I know the lingering feeling of regret would have engulfed my body, soul and spirit for ever as Joan Manuel Serrat says in one of his song:- Walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking”

Off course we all want to be successful in life and have a great story to tell,

however sometime we are so full of fear that we cannot move, we stagnate, we gravitate in the same comfort zone as we always do in case we take the wrong step forward creating chaos in this world, waiting for the whole universe to collapse due to our wrong move…REALLY??? The reality is: Time and Opportunities wait for nobody while we wait for the right time and the right opportunity to move.

“One day or Day one – you decide”

Let me coach you so you can stop going around in circles wasting your life due to fear to make the wrong move. It is time to take a trusting hand which will pull you out of the whirlpool.

You will not be told what to do, on the contrary you will learn to visualize your life from a different perspective, creating milestones to reach your goals, through strategies that will connect the dots to success.

SOS – My Space – Coaching and Beyond

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