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Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly. - Coach Silvia

Do you want to know what really makes your partner feel loved?
Have you ever become discouraged because your expressions of love seem unappreciated?

A fundamental human need is to be loved, but not everyone expresses and likes to receive love in the same way.

Learn about the LOVE LANGUAGES

By understanding your partner’s love language and what makes them feel the most loved, you can learn how to express love in a way that means the most to them.

Explore which of these are the most important to you.

1. Words of affirmation: People who speak this language feel the most loved when they are verbally acknowledged, praised, complimented, encouraged and told “I love you.”

2. Quality time: People who speak this language feel the most loved when their partner actively engages with them and puts aside other priorities to spend one-on-one time with them. They value eye contact, active listening, and full presence.

3. Acts of services: People who speak this language feel the most loved when their partner goes out of their way to do things for them and make their life easier, such as cooking them a nice meal or doing chores to take the burden off of them.

4. Receiving of gifts: People who speak this language feel the most loved when their partner offers them a gift that is symbolic of their love. The monetary value is not what matters to them, it is knowing that the person was thinking of them.

5. Physical touch: People who speak this language feel the most loved when their partner expresses physical affection, whether it is holding hands, a back rub, or sexual intimacy.

Do this exercise together with your partner, ask and answer the same questions.

  • Is it this the way you like to be loved?

  • Is it this the way you think your partner likes to be loved?

Start a new stage in your relationship. It is never too late to learn and less if it is to love better. I wish we had known about this principle a long time ago.

Read more about this topic in the book The Five Love Languages ​​by Gary Chapman

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