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Is it possible that by setting Goals in our lives we are Creators of Miracles?

Updated: Jun 20, 2021

Yes, it is possible, I have experienced it my self, and I would not like to lose this sense of limitless possibilities that life presents.

Goals with a vision are wishes to do something with a fixed deadline. Feeling that we move forward. A vision should not just be a good idea or what others want from us.

"Ideas come from our heads, visions from our hearts."

The steps to set goals are as follows:

  1. Define what you want and what makes you happy.

  2. Create your vision.

  3. Make a good plan and strategies to follow.

  4. Take full responsibility.

  5. Have an accoutable person by your side - a friend, a brethren, a Life Coach

During the process we learn to know ourselves better and without realizing it we obtain greater success than expected.

Let me tell you my story of how simply getting a bicycle to lose weight resulted in epic 1,100 km through the Netherlands, Belgium, and northeastern France.

It all started when on our 700km trek in Italy, I was struck by the versatility with which Italian women in sexy heels and dresses rode their bicycles. They were slim, beautiful and then you would see them eating pasta and bread with rage.

This made me decide that upon my return to SA, I would buy a bicycle to look like my Italian counterparts.

I had created a goal for myself and I began to carry out my strategy, which grew in possibilities and distance as well as my daring, thus the idea of ​​touring Europe by bicycle arose, of course I had to take into account my limitations and the Netherlands, flat as a pancake, was the answer.

My goal was to travel 30km per day, so I created a route plan of the towns to travel.

Our cycling adventure started right from Schiphol airport, day by day my distance and average speed improved, so instead of traveling only through Holland, we crossed the border venturing towards Belgium and to my greatest surprise we arrived at the border with France, visiting and spending time in the charming city of Lille.

I cannot explain the excitement of my achievement!!!

Eventually, I managed to cover a distance of 100 km per day.

The great impression that this trip left, led me to a new goal of studying French to visit France again the following year ... this story is for another time...:0)))

In short, my dear friends, what I wished, became a vision, then a goal and then grew in such a way that it surpassed everything I thought, proving that everything is possible if we take the first step and let ourselves go!

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