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Have you ever realized that emotions and feelings are not the same thing? by coach Silvia

Emotion is an unconscious and uncontrollable process, the 5 basic emotions are: Fear, Anger, Sadness, Joy and Love they are temporary, arising spontaneously for some reason, preparing us for action, fight or flight.
Their physical reaction alerts us to their presence and makes it clear to other people what our emotions are from our behavior.

It's fascinating to learn that our brain quickly analyzes the situation and considers all possible outcomes of that emotion, creating a thought from which a feeling is born.

By being aware of our thoughts, we can control our feelings and ultimately improve our overall health and well-being.

Did you know that between 60-80% of diseases are directly related to not knowing how to handle toxic emotions? It's time to take control of our thoughts and feelings, and it all starts with awareness and practice.

So, let's take a moment to observe our thoughts and recognize how they affect our feelings and physical reactions. By valuing silence, staying in the present, and paying attention to our bodies, we can begin to let go of past regrets and future worries.

Practice this three times a day:

  • Observe how certain thoughts have the ability to generate feelings and certain situations in the body, only to observe it, in the pleasant and in the unpleasant.

  • Recognize how thought, feeling and body are so closely linked.

Remember, the body has its own intelligence, so let's treat it as such and tap into that famous intuition. With willpower, attention, and practice, we can become the masters of our thoughts and feelings.

It's time to stop the busy machine of life and start living in the present moment.
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